This website is for posting the correspondence between Mrs. Loewenthal's sixth grade classes at Solomon Schechter School in New Jersey and Jonathan Reichel, who is a Peace Corps Volunteer, teaching secondary school science in Namibia, and his students.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

School has begun!

I have begun teaching! The first day of the school year was this Tuesday, January 18. I am excited to have met my students (they are called ‘learners’ here). I am teaching eighth grade math (which they call maths) as well as grade eight and nine physical science (a combination of physics and chemistry). It is very early in the school year, but I anticipate having a productive, but very challenging school year.

Soon, I will be able to introduce you to your penpals!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Mr. Reichel,

How is Namibia? It looks cool from the pictures. I think it's awesome how you're doing that, and I think it's helpful to a lot of children that need our care. I'm excited to have a cool pen pal from Namibia, and I am also excited about seeing you when you come back, if I get to.

What are the kids like? Do they like you and listen to you? I hope everything's going good, it is here. Just really cold.

Sincerely, Zach.

3:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Mr. Reichel,

How is Namibia? It looks cool from the pictures. I think it's awesome how you're doing that, and I think it's helpful to a lot of children that need our care. I'm excited to have a cool pen pal from Namibia, and I am also excited about seeing you when you come back, if I get to.

What are the kids like? Do they like you and listen to you? I hope everything's going good, it is here. Just really cold.

Sincerely, Zach.

3:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Reichel,

This is Arielle Klein. How is your class in Namibia? What are some really different things about the classroms in Namibia? What are the different kinds of food? What is your favorite? I don't know if you already said this to us, but Do you live with anyone? I hope you are having a good time in Namibia. I might go there when I grow up. Bye!

3:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Reichel,
Is the weather getting warmer down there or colder down there? What do you eat? When does school end down there?
Alison Printz

8:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Reichel,
How is Everything going in Namibia? I heard that the kids started School how is it going with them? Have you learned any cool things while you have been there so far? Hope you have a great time!

Sincerely, Ilana

12:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Reichel, How is it in Namibia? What is it like? How are you now? Where are you now? How old is your youngest and oldest student? I have many more questions but I'll save them for another comment. Sincerely, Emily

7:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

was so amazed to see all this commends you made about my country Namibia, and all are true. some seems to be for 2006' which is a long time but not too long. i was a student by then, but now works as a teacher. how i wish just like the USA, my country will also Start sending people out. i will just love to work out side and explore more out side. i need some mature penpal though . my email,

9:46 AM


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